Who We Work With


Among tODAY’S challenges, there are ISLANDS of inspiring activity - WHERE A BETTER WORLD IS BEING BROUGHT TO LIFE

We work where diverse groups of change-agents, caretakers and f*ck-givers are taking action, getting their hands dirty, improving things for people and planet. Those are our communities, our allies, our clients.

Our aim is to help them do their work better. We help them solve problems, build community, get things done, and have important gatherings and conversations. We facilitate workshops and retreats, MC and host events, deliver creative and inspiring keynotes, and offer training in all the above.

We have a unique set of powerful skills and abilities. Because we value them, we're not willing to use them just anywhere. That's why we work exclusively for good people doing good stuff in the world.

We particularly welcome purpose-driven businesses, grassroots and activist groups, environment and social justice organisations, creative thinkers, leading-edge artists, and government partners who are up for working differently. See examples below of our clients and communities.

Clockwise from top left: Purpose, People’s Climate March, Campfire, March for Equality, Progress, Sustainable Living Festival