Lost At Sea

A ship taking on water. A missing captain. And a series of strange coincidences. Lost At Sea is a story about a trip on a cruise ship gone wrong. It’s also about ecological emergency, power, and how we respond - using story and metaphor to cross difficult waters.

Filmed by Fair Projects, this 2018 performance of Matt Wicking's powerful talk features sound design by The General Assembly.

Act now

Welcome aboard. We’re a movement rising; a great tide of people shifting power. The next step is simple: Connect with your friends and join the bigger movement. Here’s three ways to do that (plus more detail below):

(a) take action

(b) move your money

(c) spread the word

Remember, the best actions are those that shift power for a healthy planet, are intersectional, honour First Peoples leadership, and have healing and justice at the core.

a. Take action

“How can one person make a difference? Joining thousands of other passionate people is a great start” - WWF

Find what lights you up, join in, and let’s grow this movement. They’ll be happy to hear from you. And together you can work out your best role.

Friends of the Earth - Active in 77 countries. Using advocacy, non-violent direct action, communications and events to create positive change.

Extinction Rebellion - A growing new group with clear demands. Getting people on the streets is their main aim.

350 - Using campaigns, organising and public actions to oppose fossil fuels and transition to clean energy.

Australian Conservation Foundation - Australia's national environmental organisation.

Sierra Club - US-based. Uses people power to fight for safer communities and for a healthier planet.


AYCC - A growing and inspirational international movement of students striking from school to demand climate action. (This is Australia. Elsewhere, search online for the 'Youth Climate Movement' in your country.)

SEED - A movement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people for climate justice. Non-indigenous youth see AYCC.

Sunrise - A US group building an army of young people backing a Green New Deal to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs. Join young people who are scared of the climate crisis' impact on the people and places we love.

b. Move your money

Money matters. Get yours out of bad stuff (divest) and put more into good stuff (donate).


Fact is, you’re probably funding stuff you hate - through your bank, your super/pension fund or insurance. Divestment means putting it somewhere good. And it feels great.

In Australia, Market Forces is here to help you divest. Use their tools to Compare Banks, Compare Super, Compare Insurers and make the switch. Globally, Fossil Free is a great place to start. They're helping people put pressure on workplaces, universities, faith-based groups, local councils, and more.


Support Indigenous Peoples: A potent force on the frontlines fighting colonialism and environmental harm: IDLE NO MORE (CAN), INDIGENOUS CLIMATE ACTION (CAN), PACIFIC CLIMATE WARRIORS, SEED (AUS), WARRIORS OF THE ABORIGINAL RESISTANCE (AUS)

Support Other Vulnerable People: As we move into an uncertain future, we need to look after the most vulnerable among us: ASYLUM SEEKER RESOURCE CENTRE (AUS), AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL, CARE, HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH, OXFAM


c. Spread the word

Share Lost At Sea to help this story reach more eyes and ears:

1. Share this page on social media: Use the hashtag #lostatsea

2. Book a live performance: featuring LOST AT SEA with live music. Adaptable to suit your event, group, venue. Let’s chat

3. Arrange a screening: Go for it! This film is free to use. Get in touch to let us know, ask questions or for guidance on conversation topics.