Friends of the Earth - Active in 77 countries. Using advocacy, non-violent direct action, communications and events to create positive change.
Extinction Rebellion - A growing new group with clear demands. Getting people on the streets is their main aim.
350 - Using campaigns, organising and public actions to oppose fossil fuels and transition to clean energy.
Australian Conservation Foundation - Australia's national environmental organisation.
Sierra Club - US-based. Uses people power to fight for safer communities and for a healthier planet.
AYCC - A growing and inspirational international movement of students striking from school to demand climate action. (This is Australia. Elsewhere, search online for the 'Youth Climate Movement' in your country.)
SEED - A movement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people for climate justice. Non-indigenous youth see AYCC.
Sunrise - A US group building an army of young people backing a Green New Deal to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs. Join young people who are scared of the climate crisis' impact on the people and places we love.